FGT Health is a specialized division of Fresh Ground Thinking – the agency that created the virtual advertising agency model.
We all come from big agencies so we know from experience that they all have big overhead to cover. We also know who has to cover it. When we started FGT, we got rid of the fancy office space, the beanbags and the foosball tables and we invested in the one thing that actually makes a difference.
Cue the cliché.
With FGT Health, the people who work on your business add real value to your business. You won’t see line-items for people you’ve never met doing jobs you’ve never heard of. Instead you’ll get exactly what’s right for your business and your budget.
We’re a network of pharmaceutical and digital advertising geeks working together coast-to-coast. That means our 9-5 goes way past 9-5 on a normal day. And that means we can deliver the things that other agencies just can’t.
Did you hear the one about the website we created for the Global Health Crisis Coordination Center (A Microsoft/CDC Foundation joint)?
We went from the initial meeting to the website launch in 48 hours. True story.
If we could do something like that for them, imagine what we could do for you…